Continuing The Conversation: December 2016
I was at an event recently where an executive director I know shared the familiar frustration of the “many hats” a nonprofit leader must wear. In this case, it was having to take on the lion’s share of organizing an event at a time when you are already in the midst of end-of-year fundraising tasks, […]
Continuing The Conversation: December 2015
OK, I suppose that title has an obvious answer. With end-of-year fundraising and holiday events, December has always been a particular challenge. So it felt like a good month to share a habit I’ve developed this year that I recommend to all: meditation. If your first reaction is some variation on “not for me,” I […]
Continuing The Conversation: October 2013
We hear a lot about people in nonprofit organizations “wearing many hats,” i.e., holding many responsibilities at once. I’ve come to think that the many-hats analogy is all wrong – and can even lead to trouble for an organization. Switching hats implies nothing about how the job is done. And when there is so much […]